Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Youtube Demographs

Ever since google bought youtube, a youtube user is able to see certain statistics about the videos in which the user uploads. These include how many views you receive per day, where the videos are being watched from, how old the viewer is, the sex of the viewer, etc.

I happen to have a few videos of my own on youtube (, so I was interested to see who is watching them. Here are the results.

First I should say that I have 14 videos on youtube. All of which are weird, of poor quality, and questionably funny. This being said, the overall views are not that high - coming in around 40 views per day. More guys watch my videos than girls, which is heavily disappointing, and the most popular age for viewers of my videos is between 1 - 18: also not exactly what i was going for.

the majority of my views come from America, however I have a hits from Australia and one from Russia. I always knew the Russians love me. All and all the whole statistics are quite interesting, and a good way to waste a solid 30 minutes trying to determine who watches your videos.

Which brings me to my next subject - strange viewers. My friends and I made a video parody last summer of R Kelly's infamous Remix to Ignition. We were pretty bored and I happened to have a camera. It turns out that my friend's dad happened to find out about it and told all of his colleagues at his work to google his daughter. This happened around March 20th. Looking at the statistics, there is a huge jump in views on March 20th - almost 300%. Basically all our videos are being watched by 45-55 year old, soccer mom/dads from Ohio. 

Isn't youtube wonderful.